Awarded The Basil Alkazzi Residency
"NYFA is proud to announce artist Kimia Ferdowsi Kline has been selected to be the Basil Alkazzi Artist in Residence for a five-week residency at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. Ferdowsi Kline was also a semi-finalist of the Basil H. Alkazzi Award for Excellence, in painting.
The residency takes place from September 16 through October 21, 2015. NYFA includes a $5,000 stipend and takes care of the artist’s travel expenses. During her stay, Wayne State University provides Ferdowsi Kline with a studio space and on-campus housing (subsidized by NYFA).
'I can’t predict how the residency will impact my work” states Ferdowsi Kline, “but I’m very much looking forward to exploring Detroit and experiencing a new city–particularly one that has garnered such national attention for its creative community.'
The residency will result in an exhibition at the University’s large bi-level Elaine L. Jacob Gallery from April 8 through June 24, 2016."